Wednesday, May 12

10 Facts about Oprah Winfrey

  1. Oprah Gail Winfrey was born January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi.
  2. Oprah is 5'61/2" tall.
  3. Oprah graduated high school in 1971, from East Nashville High School.
  4. She was voted 'most popular'in high school.
  5. At age of 14, she gave birth to a baby boy. The boy unfortunately died two weeks later.
  6. Oprah was once a news anchor for WJZ-TV 13, located in Baltimore, Maryland.
  7. She also co-hosted "People are Talking" with Richard Sher on WJZ-TV 13.
  8. Oprah holds a degree in Speech and Performing Arts fro Tennessee State University.
  9. Oprah's name was originally listed as 'Orpah' on her birth certificate. Some had difficulty pronouncing the name so the spelling was eventually changed.
  10. John Willis' Screen World named her as one of the 12 "Promising New Actors of 1985".